Processing applications for solid optical components

1) Laser cutting technology: Laser cutting technology is widely used in the processing of metal and non-metal materials, which can greatly reduce processing time, reduce processing cost and improve workpiece quality. UV and IR grade BaF2 optics is achieved by applying high power density energy generated by laser focusing. Compared with traditional sheet metal processing methods, laser cutting has the advantages of high cutting quality, high cutting speed, high flexibility (any shape can be cut at will), and wide material adaptability. 2) Laser welding technology: custom infrared spherical/aspherical/cylindrical Germanium lenses is one of the important aspects of laser material processing technology. The welding process is heat conduction type, that is, laser radiation heats the surface of the workpiece, and the surface heat is diffused to the inside through heat conduction. By controlling the width and energy of the laser pulse, Parameters such as peak power and repetition rate melt the workpiece to form a specific weld pool. Due to its unique advantages, it has been successfully applied to the welding of micro-mini parts. Compared with other welding techniques, the main advantages of laser welding are: laser welding speed is fast, the depth is large, the deformation is small, the welding can be carried out under room temperature or special conditions, and the welding equipment is simple. 3) Laser cleaning technology: wholesale ZnS optics technology refers to the process of cleaning and purifying by irradiating or peeling off the surface of dirt, particles, rust spots or coatings by high-energy laser beam. Compared with ordinary chemical cleaning methods and mechanical cleaning methods, laser cleaning has the following characteristics: 1) is a complete "green" cleaning; 2) a wide range of cleaning objects; 3) It is almost possible to clean all solid substrates without damaging the substrate; 4) Easy to implement automated substrates.